Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day Four - Mom & Dad

I can’t express enough how grateful I am for everyone praying for us. So many people have contacted us to let tell us that they have been praying for us. Many of you are sharing the blog or social media posts with your friends. We don’t want you to think we overlook that. Honestly, so many people are sharing and posting comments that we can’t keep up with them all (which is a good thing). Please know that we appreciate EVERY prayer and message sent. We’re right in the middle of the 7 days of prayer. Here’s a recap of where we’ve been: 

·      Day 1: Was a day of thanksgiving and praise
·      Day 2: We prayed for Duke University as they attempt to better understand anencephaly and other neural tube defects
·      Day 3: We remember and prayed for the countless families that have lost loved ones due to acrania, anencephaly or a similar diagnosis.

This past Tuesday night we had the opportunity to FaceTime with my cousin in Lynchburg, Virginia. He told us that their small group, from Brentwood Church, has been praying for us ever since they found out about Truett. It was a beautiful thing to see faces we’ve never seen before and listen to them pour out their heart in prayer on our behalf. Brett, a guy we’ve never met, prayed first. I’ll never forget one thing he said. He prayed, “God as much as Harry and Kristen love Truett, you love him more.” I immediately began crying when I heard that. It was a gentle and beautiful reminder for me that God is so much bigger than me. He really does love Truett more than I do. I love Truett and my heart breaks for him. God loves Truett more than me so His heart must break more than mine. It’s a reminder to me that I’m not in charge. I don’t have to carry the burden of heartache for Truett. That’s a huge relief for me. I find comfort knowing that God really does love Truett more than I do.

Today, day four, I’d like to ask that you pray for Kristen and myself. We are normal parents and normal people. We wake up to life just like you do everyday. God has already been faithful and true. We know He will continue that way. I can honestly tell you that I am so excited about seeing Truett. I can also tell you, in the very next breath, that I am nervous and anxious about Tuesday. Pray for Kristen and I to be of one heart and one spirit. God has been so good and faithful (even when we are not) to us. Pray that God will renew our strength over the next several days. Physically, we are both exhausted. Emotionally, we’re all over the place. We will definitely be relying on power of Jesus to get us through the next week. Thank you again for all you have done!

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God” (Isaiah 43:2-3, ESV).

1 comment:

  1. Dear heavenly father tonight I lift up Harry and Kristen. I pray for peace and comfort as the day of Truets birth approaches. We know that you chose this faithful couple to be his parents for a reason and we accept your choice but our human hearts ache for them! Lord bless us all with the birth of this baby to accept you with unwavering faith...Amen
